How many carbs in Hahn SuperDry?
Hahn SuperDry contains just 2.2g carbs per serve
Different beers have different carbohydrate content, but the good news for beer lovers is that Hahn SuperDry is a great low-carb option with 70% less carbs than regular beer. With just 0.7% carbs per 100ml, whether you’re working up a sweat cycling to work, going for a run with mates, or just looking for a great tasting low carb beer, Hahn SuperDry is an ideal choice as part of a balanced, active lifestyle.
How Much Sugar In Hahn Superdry?
Hahn Superdry Is 99.9% Sugar-free
Breaking news, aussies love their beer. They love it on A night out with mates, they love it brewed at home and they especially love talking about it – even if it’s to themselves. Here at hahn, we feel the same way and so when people started asking us things like, ‘what’s in this beer?’ And ‘what kind of wizardry is this low-carb brew?’ We were happy to have A chat.
The Beautiful Truth About Hahn SuperDry
We’ve hooked up with beer the beautiful truth, which is all about letting aussies know what’s in their beer, like sugar content and carbohydrate. Check out the table below for more information on hahn superdry and visit beer the beautiful truth to get the facts on your favourite beers. Then the next time someone tries to claim beer is more fattening than wine, you’ll have A comeback.
2.2g Carbs
99 Cals
99.9% Sugar Free
Preservative Free

Nutritional Information
Serving Per Pack 1 Serving Size (330mL)